Friday, February 24, 2012

Tadpoles!!! :D

After what seemed like ages (but it was only like... 3 days) I got my tadpoles in the mail. I didn't mention any tadpoles before but like a day after my first post I ordered them.
I am doing a biology experiment actually, using the scientific method.
At first I didn't know what to do, and my friend from school had no idea on what to do either. So I asked my girlfriend. She sent me a web page on experiments using the scientific method, and the tadpoles stuck out to me. (my child-ness came back to me, remembering the times I went barefoot into ankle deep water with a small fish net trying to catch minnows and other fun creatures like tadpoles, water bugs, and maybe even a nice water snail...)
I didn't use the exact question that was on the website, but instead I thought of my own.
Question: Will water temperature and aquarium size effect the tadpole's growth?
So I've set up 2 tanks (well plastic containers that hold water) and put one heated and one room temp. The heated one is a bit bigger than the room temp one and also has less tadpoles. Originally I ordered 6 tads but 7 actually came to me in the mail... so I had to decide on which tank to put 4 in and which 3. I heard that bigger tadpoles can bully smaller ones, so I finally decided to put the three biggest in the big tank and the 4 smaller ones in the smaller tank. One of the smaller ones already has 2 bites in his tail. Maybe from being in a tank with bigger ones before I ordered him.
This one is also floating at the top of the water... I hope he is okay. I am going to have to search on what can cause this. I know he is acting a little different from the others because all the other tads are at the bottom just chilling, while he bobs around up top.
I don't know... but I will try to keep you updated on this.
Oh! And before I forget to mention, I've named all 7. The one floating on the top is named Flea. The others are named Gorf, Moco, Tigger, Goofy, Polly, and Wog.

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