Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Update on tadpoles

Hello! Guess what! :3 I'm typing this blog post off my phone. :D hahaha
Flea is doing pretty good actually. He hasn't been floating. Neither have any of the other ones in that tank. But today I found one of my tadpoles in the other tank(the heated one) floating! I cleaned their tank out yesterday, so I got kind of worried. The good news is that he stopped floating, though they seem a little more... chill today I guess you would say. Maybe that's a good thing.
Usually I hear them swimming around the water or coming to the serface for an air gulp(the tanks are in my room on top of my dresser) but tonight I hear nothing. Maybe the big change is coming. The one that changes them from a tadpole to a froglet. :D or maybe they're just being lazy. I have to boil some more lettuce for them tomorrow.
Did I tell you guys that I'm going to keep one when it turns into a frog? Maybe... I forgot if I mentioned that or not yet.
I've read a lot about keeping bullfrogs as pets and found that its going to be an interesting experience. I'll tell you guys more tomorrow. For right now I feel like sleeping. :)
Night everyone! I'll keep you updated on the baby froggies and I have some songs to show you all tomorrow also. :) And I won't forget to tell you the info I found on keeping bullfrogs as pets. :]

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I never thought I'd see this day come
And I know that you're the only one
Can you just make everything okay?
Every time I hear your sweet voice
I see you're standing by my side
But will you just make everything okay?

I know we fight
I know we argue
And I know we love
I know you care

And I know I hurt you
And you hurt me
But let's just stop
And see that everything is gonna be okay.

I looked around the room today
And I thought I heard you say hello
I knew it was all in my head
The sound of your voice
But every time I call your name
I feel alright

And I know we fight
And I know we argue
And I know we love
And I know you care

And I know I hurt you
And you hurt me
But let's just stop
And see that everything is gonna be okay.

Because I love you you know
And you love me, you say so
And I hear you're heart
And I know it's true

So can't you see the light
It is going to get better
I will be here for you
But only if you're here for me too

I love you
I love you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Update on Flea ^-^ and other randomnesses...

Okay, so today when I woke up I noticed that Flea was not floating. Yay! I guess I worried for nothing... Well not really. I don't know why but I feel like a mother to these little froggies.
I caught the biggest one eating a piece of the boiled lettuce I gave them today. Just munching away. This ones name is Gorf. Try to figure out where I got this name. ;) hahaha
Anyways, they all seem happy. I guess the first day in a new home can be stressful for anyone-even tadpoles.
I will measure one of them and post the size. And hopefully more pics. :D


Now for randomnesses.
I had my girlfriend over today. :)
She helped me a lot with my Spanish homework-she's fluent. I thank god for this. ;) hahaha She helped me with my Spanish test so hopefully I'll get 100%.
The only thing I feel like I'm decent with involving school work is biology. I thought it was going to be some sort of hard college class with everyone wearing lab coats and goggles in a big white science lab dissecting frogs at every moment, but nope. It's not like that at all. Yes, we have to dissect things (I dissected a frog the other day...) but not every time we get together for class like I thought. It's more like every other week. This Monday I think I'm dissecting a fish. Now, a fish is the only thing I DON'T want to dissect. I think that might be because the only time I ever dissected anything was at a science class that made us dissect a rotten fish you get at the super market... but I think that might be why I'm not happy about the thought of having to cut open one of those things.
OH and guess what? I'm procrastinating again. I have a whole biology chapter to finish before Monday...
And Spanish homework.
I'm going over my girlfriend's house again tomorrow and I'll be bringing that so the Spanish is covered.
Oh dear me...
Better get started...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Update on the floating tadpole, Flea.

Okay, so I did a bit of tadpole research on this little guy and have found a few things that it might be. Here they are:
One thing it might be is that this tad swallowed some air into his gut and can't swim down to the bottom. This might not be my tadpoles case because he is able to swim to the bottom, but just when he stops swimming he floats back up.
Another thing I found was that it might just be some bloating from the frog/tadpole food I fed them. Almost similar to the above, but different.
One of the scariest sounding ones I found was that their tissues in their little bodies can become infected and cause bloating also. This can be caused by water change and shock. Maybe even food.
All of these sound kind of scary, because you cant burp a tadpole, or bring it to the vet.
He will either recover, or not.
With a 50/50 chance of living or dying, this makes me worry.
I guess I will just have to wait and see. I will be crossing my fingers.

Tadpoles!!! :D

After what seemed like ages (but it was only like... 3 days) I got my tadpoles in the mail. I didn't mention any tadpoles before but like a day after my first post I ordered them.
I am doing a biology experiment actually, using the scientific method.
At first I didn't know what to do, and my friend from school had no idea on what to do either. So I asked my girlfriend. She sent me a web page on experiments using the scientific method, and the tadpoles stuck out to me. (my child-ness came back to me, remembering the times I went barefoot into ankle deep water with a small fish net trying to catch minnows and other fun creatures like tadpoles, water bugs, and maybe even a nice water snail...)
I didn't use the exact question that was on the website, but instead I thought of my own.
Question: Will water temperature and aquarium size effect the tadpole's growth?
So I've set up 2 tanks (well plastic containers that hold water) and put one heated and one room temp. The heated one is a bit bigger than the room temp one and also has less tadpoles. Originally I ordered 6 tads but 7 actually came to me in the mail... so I had to decide on which tank to put 4 in and which 3. I heard that bigger tadpoles can bully smaller ones, so I finally decided to put the three biggest in the big tank and the 4 smaller ones in the smaller tank. One of the smaller ones already has 2 bites in his tail. Maybe from being in a tank with bigger ones before I ordered him.
This one is also floating at the top of the water... I hope he is okay. I am going to have to search on what can cause this. I know he is acting a little different from the others because all the other tads are at the bottom just chilling, while he bobs around up top.
I don't know... but I will try to keep you updated on this.
Oh! And before I forget to mention, I've named all 7. The one floating on the top is named Flea. The others are named Gorf, Moco, Tigger, Goofy, Polly, and Wog.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Even though it might only snow an inch or so, I'm still happy.
Well... people are saying it's sleeting, a form of icy rain that makes everyones stupid side come out to play when they're driving: "Oh dear, it's sleeting. Better drive real fast to get home where I'm safe! Plus, I'll drink this scolding hot coffee while I'm at it. I'm a professional driver, one hand on the wheel is enough."
Anyway, it's snow. I claim it to be snow. Maybe some rain is coming down with it, but hey, there's still white fluffy (or icy-ish) flakes falling down from the great sky above, soooo *does happy dance*. - Well actually more like get all snuggly with fuzzy socks, Spongebob PJ pants, and your girlfriends hoodie as you sit on the computer with a nice warm cup- oops. Forgot that part. I'm too lazy to go put the water on for tea of instant cappuccino, or even text my mom who is in the other side of the house to do it for me.
But... am I the only person in this world who would prefer a day like this over a day in the hot, scolding sun on the beach, getting all sweaty and having sand get in every crack and crevice? And I mean it. Every. Single. Spot. Sand. Can. Get. Even. Where. You. Never. Thought. It. COULD. Get.
Well, call be dull, but these are my favorite days. In my opinion, they're romantic. Even more romantic if you snuggle up on the couch with your lovey. Unfortunately, my lovey is at her house. I hope she's keeping warm. She is probably writing some codes on the computer for her homework. Because like me, she procrastinates too.
Well, tell me, hot and sunny days, or rainy, romantic gray days?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Procrastination. Can anyone stop this habit!?

Hello all!
Well, I am one of those many people who put off their homework till last minute. aka "Homework procrastinator." Right now I am up at 1:40am...almost 2:00am...doing homework due on Monday. A whole freaking chapter of biology that I had all week to do. But of course I didn't put it off for no reason. I was busy... I had TV episodes to watch, crafts to make, late night convos with my girlfriend, filling my iPod with more music from iTunes, the Sims 3 to play, and chocolate to finish eating from Valentine's Day.
See? I was too busy.....
Anyways, I've watched TONS of videos on how to stop procrastinating, (I'm a nerd, I know) but all of them are silly and un-realistic. Example: "Put everything aside, log off of your social networks, put your cell-phone on silent, or tell your friends you are too busy to go to the mall."
Are you kidding me? No... I guess that's what you will really have to do stop putting your work off till last minute. Oh well...
I always wonder what other people do to end their procrastinating habits... I know I haven't found anything yet that actually works. Usually if I'm Googling looking for an answer to a question, usually because I'm too lazy to look in the textbooks again(too much reading... I mean come on people who write textbooks. Are you trying to do a "lets see who can write the most boring, drawn-out, dry textbook out there" contest? That will be another blog topic.) I usually find myself on Facebook, or Tumblr. I mean, who doesn't have that problem?


DONE! Done with my Biology chapter. Well I'm off to bed.
Night everyone!
Talk to you tomorrow.
~27K :) <3